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Crush Cooler Pause

a close up of a picnic table sitting next to a cup of coffee

A Refreshing Break for Now 

Crush Cooler, our bone-dry, Pinot Noir-infused, sparkling malt-based sipper, is taking a little breather. This light, crisp, magenta beauty was made for cider lovers, seltzer fans, and anyone craving something refreshingly different. But don’t worry—while Crush Cooler steps out, something new is stepping in. We’re getting ready to roll out Pailie Ollie, a brand-new pale ale crafted from an original recipe by Mr. Josh Monschke. Stay tuned for its debut on tap, and in the meantime, let’s raise a glass to what’s next!

Call to Action: Keep an eye out—Pailie Ollie is coming soon!